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Erbium YAG Facial Price

DERMABLATE® Erbium: YAG Laser Resurfacing
Dr. Stefanie A. Schultis 

Dr. Stefanie A. Schultis is proud to offer the Dermablate® one of the world's premier resurfacing lasers. 

Avoid the need for surgery with this powerful, yet gentle skin resurfacing laser.

This treatment actually removes a certain volume of skin and induces skin tightening and improvements in texture and tone.  The ablative Erbium: YAG is used to create a controlled burn of the most superficial layers of skin. This procedure is also fractionated, where millions of tiny dots are laid down on the skin surface.  These dots represents columns of tissue that will be removed. The laser only treats part of the skin leaving uninjured skin around the treatment area to act as a barrier, promoting quicker healing and less downtime. The result is skin tightening and new collagen production that continues for up to one year. The Erbium: YAG laser produces a lower pain factor and side effects are greatly reduced as compared to other resurfacing devices.


• Significantly shorter healing time than CO2 lasers
• Very few, if any, side effects
• Safe and gentle treatments, as well as deep ablation and skin resurfacing

The 2,940 nm wavelength matches the maximum peak of water absorption. The energy is entirely used for the rapid vaporization of the water in the tissue, which leads to the almost instant ablation of tissue and a beautiful resurfacing of the skin without the need for surgery.​

Dermablate Dr Schultis

Reasons for Considering Laser Skin Resurfacing

  • Acne scars (atrophic)

  • Scars from past injuries

  • Significant sun damaged skin

  • Uneven pigment (brown age spots, freckles, melasma)

  • Wrinkles

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Smoker's Lines

  • Vascular Changes

  • Skin Laxity

Erbium YAG Laser Facial
Erbium YAG Laser Resurfacing
Laser Resurfacing Covington

Recovery and Effects

Immediately following treatment, your skin may feel tighter or firmer and have a smoother feel to the touch.  Redness (like sunburn) and skin flaking can be expected for up to 48 hours depending on the energy used.  However, once the treatment area begins to heal, you'll notice an immediate difference in your skin quality and appearance that may last for years. Multiple treatments may be required to obtain optimal results.  The number of treatments depends on the conditions of the individual patient.

Ablative and Non-Ablative Procedures

Lasers are not one size fits all.  Dr. Schultis uses a variety of lasers, both ablative and non-ablative to achieve the best results on a patient by patient basis. We encourage you to learn all you can about the advancements in laser skin revitalization.


Face $750

Face and Neck $1100

We recommend 2+ treatments 4-6 weeks apart.

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