Copy of It May Be A Gynecology Issue.
Pay attention to the signs before it's too late.
Besides pain or irregular bleeding, there are other symptoms many women have that are linked to certain gynecologic conditions.
Difficulty urinating or having bowel movements
Infertility (cannot get pregnant/miscarriages)
Feeling of pressure on your bladder or rectum
Slipping or dropping of your vagina or uterus
Feeling heaviness or pressure in your pelvis
Constant abdominal pressure
Swelling or bloating
Urgent need to urinate
Recurrent urinary tract infections
Pain while standing or walking

Talk to us. Please review our website, for informative and engaging information for your health and well-being for both women and men. It is also easy to schedule appointments by requesting online as well as personal attention by telephone.
Your health is important. Make the most of it.