Comprehensive Gynecology and Regenerative Medicine
It has been my pleasure to help many women of all ages with gynecology and intimacy issues that range from just bothersome to life altering. New advancements in treatments and technology have given us the ability to offer women safe, effective in-office procedures.

I have three Regenerative Medicine treatments, The Juliet™ Feminine Laser, O-Shot® with PRP Therapy and Bio-Identical Hormone Pellets that deliver relief and improve your health, well-being and confidence depending upon your circumstances. Juliet™ This laser treatment is a non-hormonal, 20 minute in office procedure with no downtime. It can improve the effects of urinary stress incontinence, vaginal lubrication, itching, pain during intercourse, lichen sclerosus, the appearance and femininity of the vagina/vulva. This laser treatment is a viable procedure for breast cancer survivors. O-Shot® with Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) PRP is one of the most advanced, effective natural treatments for cellular rejuvenation throughout the body. The O-Shot® helps with vaginal atrophy, laxity, urinary incontinence and orgasmic response. This minimally painless injection of one's own blood platelets and growth factors can safely lead to improved blood flow, stem cell proliferation and regeneration of the tissues. The O-Shot® can be done alone or in conjunction with the Juliet Laser to enhance both treatments. Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Replacement Therapy Hormones are responsible for our well-being, mental clarity and focus, sexual desire and many other functions needed for a happy healthy life. As we age, this delicate balance of hormones is no longer “in sync”. Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy is an all natural, precision method that delivers a healthy level of hormones for 3 to 4 months. I am highly trained, experienced and certified in all three of these treatments. Please visit our website, and call 985-898-1940 to schedule an appointment.